We love November! Cold as it may be, we are reminded by this month that even though the winter is upon us here in Minnesota, we can rejoice and be grateful for all of our blessings as we look forward to an entire day devoted to Thanksgiving. As I write this, I have to ask myself… “Are you acting as though you are grateful for all of your blessings?” It is one thing to consider gratitude and to say I am an overall grateful person, yet it is an entirely different thing to actually live each day in gratitude. I have to be honest, as I woke up this morning, I was grateful for the Smartwool socks that came in the mail-joyful, even! About a half an hour later, I started thinking of all of the tasks and “to-do’s” that I am behind on right now, and I nearly (perhaps literally…) had a meltdown. And then… I had to write this article… And I realized that if I am going to say that I have gratitude in my life, my life should reflect that belief, even in the smallest of struggles. I have to say, as I consider these things, that I am grateful for the struggles. The struggles refine us, grow us, give us purpose… and if we can weave our way back to gratitude, we realize that there is great joy in the journey. We at the Angela Sadat Group are so grateful for all of YOU who touch our lives, support our business and encourage us to stay grateful for each and every client we are privileged to help. We are grateful for the times this business is easy, and also grateful for when we struggle-the struggles have only served to make us better and more joyful as we seek to serve with excellence! May you have a beautiful November, full of thanksgiving for each and every blessing, and even for the struggles along the way. Happy Thanksgiving!
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